14 Goals for 2014: Having a Cleaner House

It's February, which means I've started to slack a little on my goals for 2014.  Doesn't everyone?  It's time to get reenergized & start working on putting a few more of my goals into practice.

Keeping the house consistenly clean is a tough task.  My husband Andrew is a big help, but it's really easy to let clutter pile up, put the dishes in sink for tomorrow or to put off cleaning the bathroom or mopping the floor until you just can't stand it anymore.  It's tiring.  And frustrating.

So, we're putting a cleaning schedule into our daily routine.  I figure if we do a little bit each day & we hit each room on a weekly basis, the house should never get to that 'out of control' level.    

Here's what I've come up with.  A daily task, along with basic cleanup every day.  Seems pretty do-able right?

Monday: Clean Bathroom floors

Tuesday: Dust Living room & Bedrooms

Wednesday: Vaccuum rooms with carpet

Thursday: Clean Living room floors, Hallways & Stairs

Friday: Free Day!

Saturday: Mop Kitchen & Entry Way, Clean out & Wipe down Fridge

Sunday: Clean Bathrooms (Counters, Tubs & Toliets)

Everyday: Wash dishes, Wipe down Kitchen counters & table, spend 15 minutes picking up common areas, Wash 1 load of laundry

Do you have a daily cleaning schedule or do you do everything in one day?


  1. We should always be cleaned because if we don't clean our house properly then there will be lots of germs here and there. But if you think that it will be very hard for you to clean your house properly on that time I'll suggest for visiting maid service toronto because they are very experienced with their work. Again you don't need to think much that if you hire any maid they will cost very high because you can easily hire them at a reasonable cost.

  2. Bathtub needs to be clean properly. Otherwise it will feel disgusted and filthy to take bath. It will not calm your mind. Cleaner and appropriate accessories can make your bath time enjoyable. You can find needy accessories from bath aids which have good quality products.

  3. You can check out different furniture like sofas, beds, tables, desks, etc. There are different outlets but they do not provide a good service. You can check VIGSHOME to get a promising services. Oval dining table


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