This evening I worked on an order that pulled on my heart strings much more than I expected. A friend ask me to make a few dozen plain sugar cookies for her nephew. My mother made sugar cookies for most holidays; she was famous for the. & they were always expected to be at Christmas gatherings. Thiugh most of her cookies were adorned with thin powdered sugar or buttercream icing, she always made a few that were only sprinkled with colored sugar. As a child, those were always my favorite. I'd turn them all over when choosing one to eat, looking for the lightest ones because I craved the extra soft cookies.
So this evening, when I set out to make this order of sugar dusted cookies, I decided to use my Mom's famous recipe. It came from our community's St. Lawrence Catholic Church cookbook years ago & she never used any other. I didn't really think about it until I was mixing the dough, but this is the first time I've made these cookies since last Christmas, when I baked them with my Mom & sister. My mom is gone now & making her famous cookies tonight were very bittersweet. But I'm so glad I get to keep her tradition going.
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